In her solo performance, Slovak composer Barbora Tomášková creates unique soundscapes by the means of her hybrid instruments, based on the combination of live electronics with her self-made sound objects. The essence of Tomášková's music is rooted primarily in the ritual principles and the work with the subconscious.
Composer Barbora Tomášková combines live electronic music with acoustic instruments, and in this untraditional interconnection she creates complex compositions and colourful sound textures. She creates her own sound objects and uses them during her concert performances. With her approach to the sound, she bends the conventions of two worlds: the world of classical and the world of electronic music.
- Richard Michalík, dramaturg
Barbora Tomášková has been developing her path as a solo performer using electronics, live electronics finding her musical expression in combination with objet trouvé, as well as her own DIY sound objects, which she started designing and constructing during her studies at the University of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. All the sounds she works with, including electronics, grow out of the sound objects she makes; either raw and natural or after having undergone changes and electronic processes.
Focusing on technology and live electronics she developed tools of musical programming. By incorporating these two fields – the classical acoustic environment with electronics, she builds digital systems designed for performance, which provide space for improvisation and a more open way of interpretation, as well as notating scores.
For the concert in Zagreb, she prepared a unique performance – a concert for sound objects, live electronics, electronics, violoncello, and voice.
Concert is realized in cooperation with NEXT festival (A4, Bratislava, SK).