
Publikacija "Arc-hive: Case Studies and Life as an Object" dostupna u besplatnom .pdf formatu

"Arc-hive: Case Studies and Life as an Object" je dvodijelna publikacija koja okuplja tekstove niza relevantnih međunarodnih autora te pruža vrijedan i aktualan uvid u izazove rada s biomedijima, s posebnim fokusom na čuvanje, arhiviranje i digitalizaciju biomedijskih praksi.

Publikacija "Arc-hive: Case Studies and Life as an Object" koju je izdao KONTEJNER dostupna je u besplatnom .pdf formatu na ovoj poveznici.


Arc-hive Case Studies

  • Introduction – Case Studies (Jurica Mlinarec, Luja Šimunović)
  • Digital Semiotics for Biomedia Art (Dalila Honorato)
  • Unstill Life: Biomedia Art Archiving in the Ephemeral Permanent Collection (Adam Zaretsky)
  • Identifying the Challenges and Solutions for 3D Digitization of Bioart (Aurore Mathys, Nuno Sousa)
  • Tomorrow’s Fossils (Judith van der Elst)
  • Stones in Boxes – Collecting Fossils from Finland’s North and Beyond (Björn Kröger, Judith Van der Elst, Leena Valkeapää)
  • The Internet Hijacked by Big Tech. Platformization in Today’s Hyper-connected World (Efraín Foglia)
  • Open arc-Hive (Helen Torres)

Life as an Object

  • Life as an Object (Olga Majcen Linn)
  • Post-promethean Art (Oron Catts)
  • Bioart: An Immersive Perspective (Howard Boland)
  • Life in Death and Death in Life (Thomas Feuerstein)
  • Only in Transit? Organ Trade? Murder at MoMA? Paradoxes and Obstacles in Maintaining and Staging Biomedia Art (Jens Hauser)
  • Outsourcing Care for Life (Ionat Zurr)
  • Guidelines for the Unstable: Instructions and Recommendations for Exhibiting Life in Artistic Context (Olga Majcen Linn, Sunčica Ostoić)
  • Testimonial and Material Evidence (Ida Hiršenfelder)
  • Fragments of an Archivist (Rok Vevar)
  • From Videodokument and Videospotting to the DIVA Station (Barbara Borčić)

urednici: Ena Hodžić, Olga Majcen Linn, Jurica Mlinarec, Luja Šimunović
izdavač: KONTEJNER
godina izdanja: 2022.
broj stranica: 274
jezik: engleski

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