NRD Van (New Reality Development Van) is a temporary sanctuary of identity with a temporary residence at TCP/IP space. TCP/IP protocol has been adapted as a military standard (MIL STD) in 1983. TCP/IP is based on the Open System Interconnect (OSI) Reference Model, which is a standard for describing structure and function of data communication protocols, developed in order to enable reliable communication in almost impossible conditions of the total war. TCP/IP knows no concept of the state borders or any form of discrimination based on race colour, sex, language, religion, political or other worldview, national or social origin, possessions, birth and other circumstances. When borders cease to be, NRD Van will gladly turn into a Volkswagen Caravan.
The noun van has 4 senses:
1. avant-garde, vanguard, van, new wave -- (any creative group active
in the innovation and application of new concepts and techniques in a
given field (especially in the arts))
2. vanguard, van -- (the leading units moving at the head of an army)
3. van, caravan -- (a camper equipped with living quarters)
4. van -- (a truck with an enclosed cargo space)