Tihana Maravić, born in Zagreb, Croatia, 1976. Since 1996 she has lived and worked in Bologna, Italy. PhD in Theatre Studies (Bologna University, 2008) with the thesis “Holy Fool as a Performer. Theatrical and Performative Elements in the Phenomenon of Holy Folly in Byzantium (IV-XVII cent.) and in Russia (XI-XVII cent.)”. Formerly, for her MA thesis, she studied the Orthodox hesychastic practice in relation with Grotowski and the work of the actor on the self. The main areas of her scholarly interest are comparative studies between theatre semiology and anthropology and the history of religions, between art and spirituality; in particular issues such as the function of theatre, the actor’s work, the role of performer. She spent different study periods abroad, in Hildesheim, Germany (1999/00), Moscow, Russia (2005), Belgrade, Serbia (Post Doc, 2010). She is a member of a group working around a theatre magazine Culture Teatrali led by Marco De Marinis, Department of Music and Theatre − Bologna University. Her writings have also been published in Kolo, Frakcija, Zarez, Hystrio, Didaskalia, Contemporary Theatre Review, Mont Analogue. She also works as an independent performing arts curator.