

The fifth Triennial Festival of Extravagant Bodies subtitled Extravagant Love takes places at the Hala V of Zagreb's Technical Museum in September 2019

Visual identity: Andro Giunio

An international exhibition, performances, workshops, talks with artists and a conference bring together artists, researchers and scientists who are re-examining, deconstructing and re-constructing what it means to love, whom we can love and how to express that love.

Extravagant love brings to the surface new perspectives of love, love with a twist, which we live and consume every day. It tests out what it means to love another, others, one’s surrounding or oneself when the expectations set by society and the global and local milieu are uprooted. It provides a look at the future that we are living today, demolishing expectations and building new ideas of romantic love, the family and friendship.

The Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Love festival is bringing together over thirty internationally acclaimed artists and researchers, from Croatia and the immediate region and the world at large, who are going to respond to the issues of the festival with interdisciplinary, interactive and ambiental installations, video works, photos, artist’s books, manifestos, lectures and performances.

Taking part are: Adam Zaretsky (US), Dalila Honorato (PT/GR), Anna Dumitriu (UK), Antonija Bačić (HR), Boris Debackere and Jerry Galle (BE), Vitar Drinković (HR), Margherita Pevere (IT/DE), Charlotte Fuentes (FR), Dan Oki and Sandra Sterle (HR), Dani Ploeger (NL), Darko Vukić (RS), Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle (US), Jaden Hastings (AU), Jens Christian Bo Johansen (DK) and Sara Jurinčić (HR), Ana Sladetić (HR), Josip Pino Ivančić (HR), Maja Smrekar (SI), Marta de Menezes (PT), Saša Spačal (SI), Shir Handelsman (IL), Siniša Labrović (HR), Zane Cerpina (NO), Branko Milisković (RS), Julischka Stengele (AT), Niko Mihaljević (HR), Roce Canibal (ES), Betina Habjanič (SI), Sonja Pregrad, Tin Dožić and Andro Giunio (HR).

Partners: Nikola Tesla Technical Museum (Zagreb), Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb), Organ Vida Photographic Association (Zagreb), Museum of Broken Relationships (Zagreb), E.A. 1/1 S.V. (Zagreb) Live Music (Zagreb), OZI or School of Scientific Research (Zagreb), gray) (area (Korčula), Platform 9.81 (Split). Curatorial team: Stahl Stenslie (Norway), Klara Petrović and Luja Šimunović (KONTEJNER, Croatia).

Opening at 7 pm on September 18, 2019 in HALA V of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum in Zagreb. The exhibition will stay on in HALA V of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum from September 18 to October 10, 2019, monday to friday fro 2 to 8 p.m. and saturday and sunday from 12 to 8 p.m.

Extravagant Bodies is the title of the international art festival devised by Olga Majcen Linn and Sunčica Ostoić that since 2007 has been held every three years, organised by KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art practice. The Festival is concerned with the ways in which society determines the boundaries of the normal and the pathological, whether it is corporeality, appearance, behaviour, sexuality or lifestyle that is concerned.

Partners: Nikola Tesla Technical Museum (Zagreb), Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb), Organ Vida Photographic Association (Zagreb), Museum of Broken Relationships (Zagreb), E.A. 1/1 S.V. (Zagreb) Živa Muzika (Zagreb), OZI or School of Scientific Research (Zagreb), gray) (area (Korčula), Platform 9.81 (Split).

Curatorial team: Stahl Stenslie (Norway), Klara Petrović and Luja Šimunović (KONTEJNER, Croatia).

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