The Orange Dog and Other Tales (Even Better Than the Real Thing)


Student Centre (Zagreb),  HDLU - Bačva Gallery (Zagreb), Tattoo Studio Misfit (Zagreb), public spaces (Zagreb)

At Performance Studies international conference in Zagreb (PSi#15) on the topic of misperformance: misfiring, misfitting, misreading, Kontejner is presenting a curatorial project called The Orange Dog and Other Tales (Even Better Than the Real Thing).

The project The Orange Dog and Other Tales (Even Better Than the Real Thing) uses a series of reenactments to create an (art) history theatre play, whose plot evolves into a history of Croatian performance art. It is a work of art historians turned into a drama, instead of a scientific paper. Actors take the roles of authors and performers of fourteen selected performances, along with a 'master of ceremony' leading the audience on a guided tour through performance history.