Symposium approaches the topic of old age critically, from the artistic, political, philosophical and ethical point of view. Language: Croatian, Serbian and English with simultaneous translation). Moderator Katarina Pejović (HR/RS/SI). Free entrance.
Saturday 05.10.2013.
- 14:00 1. panel Age Extremes - Introductory word
- 14:30 1. panel Age Extremes - Stevan Vuković (RS): Disciplinary Matrix of Gerontology and Symbolic Violence Towards the Elderly
- 15:00 1. panel Age Extremes - Silvia Rusac (HR): Domestic Violence and the Elderly
- 15:30 1. panel Age Extremes - Miško Šuvaković (RS): Age/ Art: Being/ Time
- 16:00 Discussion + Q&A
- 16:30 Lunch break
- 17:30 2. panel Extra/Ordinary Age - Ana Lendvaj (HR): The Capital of Age
- 18:00 2. panel Extra/Ordinary Age - Ines Vrban (HR): Philanthropy for Old Age
- 18:30 2. panel Extra/Ordinary Age - Krunoslav Knežević (HR): The Right Time For New Beginning
- 19:00 Discussion + Q&A
Sunday 06.10.2013.
- 14:00-16:00 3. panel Extra Sexuality - This panel has a different format space- and content-wise and partly performative character. Goran Arbanas (HR), Jovan Ćirilov (RS), Stahl Stenslie (NO), Lois Weaver (UK), Katarina Pejović(HR/RS/SI)
- 16:00 Lunch break
- 17:00 4. panel Exterior and Interior Extensions- Nina Czegledy (CA): The Extensions of Man - Hacking the Body - Prosthetics
- 17:30 4. panel Exterior and Interior Extensions- Jasminka Despot Lučanin and Damir Lučanin (HR):What is the Age Limit for Mind Development?
- 18:00 Discussion + Q&A + Wrap-up
Ljiljana Filipović (HR)
Ljiljana Filipović is the author of the books Filozofija i antipsihijatrija Ronalda D. Lainga [Philosophy and Anti-Psychiatry of Ronald D. Laing], Nevidljivi pas [The Invisible Dog] (novel), Nesvjesno u filozofiji [The Unconscious in Philosophy], Sokol u šusteraju [The Hawk in the Shoe-maker’s Shop] (novel), Javne samoće [Public solitudes] (essays), Nestali ljudi [Missing People] (novel), Prazne tvornice [Empty Factories] (essays), co-author of the books Ambivalenz des Fin de siècle: Wien-Zagreb (Wien 1998), The Couch and the Silver Screen (Routledge, 2003), Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse in Osteuropa, (Uchtspringe 2003), catalogue of the exhibition Collective Creativity, Kunsthalle Fri¬dericianum (Kassel 2005) Maske und Kothurn (Böhlau 2006), etc. She is also the author of numerous radio plays, and has contributed regularly to a variety of cultural magazines, She has also translated into Croatian books by T.S.Szasz, The Manufacture of Madness, R..D. Laing, The Voice of Experience, D. Cooper, The Language of Madness, M. Eliade, Occultism, Witchcraft and Cultural Fashions etc. Ljiljana Filipović received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Zagreb with a dissertation on the philosophical implications of the concept of the unconscious while her habilitation was on philosophical and psychoanalytical critique of drama text. Her essays and articles cover topics on the cultural phenomena explained by interaction of philosophy and psychoanalysis.
Tihana Maravić (HR)
Tihana Maravić, born in Zagreb, Croatia, 1976. Since 1996 she has lived and worked in Bologna, Italy. PhD in Theatre Studies (Bologna University, 2008) with the thesis “Holy Fool as a Performer. Theatrical and Performative Elements in the Phenomenon of Holy Folly in Byzantium (IV-XVII cent.) and in Russia (XI-XVII cent.)”. Formerly, for her MA thesis, she studied the Orthodox hesychastic practice in relation with Grotowski and the work of the actor on the self. The main areas of her scholarly interest are comparative studies between theatre semiology and anthropology and the history of religions, between art and spirituality; in particular issues such as the function of theatre, the actor’s work, the role of performer. She spent different study periods abroad, in Hildesheim, Germany (1999/00), Moscow, Russia (2005), Belgrade, Serbia (Post Doc, 2010). She is a member of a group working around a theatre magazine Culture Teatrali led by Marco De Marinis, Department of Music and Theatre − Bologna University. Her writings have also been published in Kolo, Frakcija, Zarez, Hystrio, Didaskalia, Contemporary Theatre Review, Mont Analogue. She also works as an independent performing arts curator.
Leonard Roy Frank (US)
Leonard Roy Frank (born July 15, 1932) is an American human rights activist, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) survivor and writer from New York. Since 1959 he has lived in San Francisco, where he managed an art gallery before he began collecting great quotations. Leonard was a graduate of the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania. He then served in the US Army and later, sold real estate. In 1962 in San Francisco Leonard was committed to a psychiatric hospital for being “paranoid schizophrenic” and given insulin shock treatments and dozens of ECT treatments. By 1972 Leonard was staff at Madness Network News and in December 1973 he and Wade Hudson founded Network Against Psychiatric Assault (NAPA), a patients' advocacy group. A published author, Leonard has compiled numerous books of great quotes and passages, as well as writing about his own experiences.
Sergio Benvenuto (IT)
Sergio Benvenuto is philosopher, psychoanalyst and researcher at the National Research Council in Rome, Italy. He is editor of JEP − European Journal of Psychoanalysis. His recent books include Perversioni. Sessualità, etica, psicoanalisi (2005); German ed. Perversionen. Sexualitaet, Ethik, Psychoanalyse (Turia+Kant, Wien, 2009); Accidia. La passione dell’indifferenza (2008); On Freud's Tracks (2008, with A. Molino).
Ana Peraica (HR)
Ana Peraica, Ph.D. studied at the Jan Van Eyck Akademie and ASCA, University of Amsterdam. She is a curator of many international media projects accompained by edited readers, e.g. Žena na raskrižju ideologija (HULU, 2008.) and Victims' Symptom (Institute for Networked Cultures, 2009). She regularly writes for cultural magazines such as Springerin and Pavilion, as well as academic journals Afterimage (RIT) and Leonardo (MIT) where she also works in the editorial group. She currently works as adjunct professor on Rochester Institute of Technology's depositure ACMT in Dubrovnik and in her family photo-atelier Perajica on Peristil. Peraica is a member of AICA, IKT, ISEA and ISAST.
Zoran Roško (HR)
Zoran Roško was born in Šibenik in 1960. At the turn of 1999 and 2000 he prepared for the magazine Književna smotra a thematic section of writings in which, for the first time in Croatia in an academic journal, the phenomenon of cyber culture was addressed. He is in the editorial board of Libra Libera and Tvrđa magazines. He has edited the shows Alternet and Avant-pop for the Third Programme of Croatian Radio. Since December 2003 he has been the chief editor of the fortnightly for culture and social events Zarez. In 2002 Naklada MD published his book of theoretical cultural and philosophical writings More Paranoid Than Love, More FunThan Evil which collected texts he had written about cyber-culture, adverts, media, philosophy, literature, religion, the New Age and the metaphysics of existence.
The Self-Advocacy Association (HR)
The Self-Advocacy Association is a non-governmental, not-for-profit association that was founded in Zagreb in 2003. It was set up by members of a self-advocacy group that had while working together over the course of many years acquired skills of self-determination and self-advocacy. It is the first and as of the present time the only association in Croatia, as well as in the region as a whole that has been founded by people with intelectual difficulties and the only one that enables them to express their own needs independently and to stand up for their right to exercise their rights.
Adi Hasanbašić (BA)
Adi Hasanbašić graduated in psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies in Sarajevo. His main interests are clinical psychology, psychiatry and anti-psychiatry. During his studies he intensively volunteered in numerous associations and institutions in Bosnia: “The big brother, big sister” program, he spent 6 months volunteering in various clubs for former alcoholics, he was a psychologist at the “Safe House” for women victims of domestic abuse, and a psychologist volunteer at the Psychiatric clinic of the University clinical center Koševo in Sarajevo where he received training in sociotherapy and psych-diagnostics.
Jelena Ćališ (RS)
Jelena Ćališ was born in 1987 in Zagreb, and lives in Sveti Ivan Zelina. In 2009 she took her first degree at the Education and Rehabilitation Faculty, rehabilitation major, and is currently a second year student in the graduate course of the same faculty of the University of Zagreb, Department for Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation. Since 2006 she has been an active member of the Zagreb Volunteer Centre and also does voluntary work in the Srce [Heart] Association for Fostering Development in Children and Young People with Special Needs in Sveti Ivan Zelina, where since 2009 she has been a member of the board of management and runs the Personal Assistant Project, meant for the improvement of the quality of life and integration of people with a high degree of physical disability. She took part in the 2nd International Conference of Rehabilitation Students, Zajedno/Together, 2007, and at the 3rd International Conference called K.R.I.K. in 2008.