Liminoid is a portal which triggers a transition between virtual and augmented realities, thus leading to the experience of disintegrating subjectivity. In the context of anthropology, the term liminoid state describes the experience of the liminal stage of a transient selfhood that occurs during rites of passage. Much like liminality in tribal cultures, the liminoid experience, which signifies contemporary society, is achieved through a three-phase passage of separation from the old self, a transitional phase that is characterized by ambiguity and disorientation, and finally a phase of incorporation and the formation of new perspectives. This three-fold experience in Liminoid is reflected in the dramaturgy of the visual experience in the virtual / augmented reality headset, although the artists do not simply translate mental processes by visual means. Liminoid is thus not merely a simulation of the liminoid stage, but instead offers a number of augmented and virtual twists on it, thus making possible the realization of post-structural concepts such as the disintegration of subjectivity, becoming, the virtual, immersion and identification. The experience offers an intense and even rather unpleasant sensation of uncertainty, anxiety and existential fear. Liminoid thus represents potentiality, and the participant is in for a surprise.
From a text by Ida Hiršenfelder
production: Ljudmila – Art and Science Laboratory, Ljubljana
Saša Spačal (SI)
Saša Spačal is a postmedia artist working at the intersection of the living systems research, contemporary and sound art. Her artistic research focuses on entanglements of the environment-culture continuum and planetary metabolism. By developing technological interfaces and relations with organic and mineral soil agents, she seeks to address the posthuman condition that involves mechanical, digital, and organic logic within biopolitics and necropolitics. Her work has been exhibited and performed at venues and festivals such as Ars Electronica Festival (AT), Prix Cube Exhibition (FR), Transmediale Festival (DE), Athens Digital Arts Festival (GR), Perm Museum of Contemporary Art (RUS), Onassis Cultural Center Athens (GR), Chronos Art Center (CHN), Eyebeam (USA), Cynetart Festival (DE), National Art Museum of China (CHN), Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (SI), Kapelica Gallery (SI), Device_art (CRO), Art Laboratory Berlin (DE), Kiblix Festival (SI), Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje (SI), Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina (SRB), Lisboa Soa Festival (PT), Sonica Festival (SI). She has received various awards, including the Prix Ars Electronica Honorary Mention, nomination for the Prix Cube, and the New Technological Art Award.
Matic Potočnik (SI)
Matic Potočnik završio je preddiplomski studij računalstva u Kranju, a njegov rad usredotočen je na budućnost. Provodi vrijeme u dizajnu i analizi softvera, gledanju SF filmova i surfanju Internetom. Autor je radova Lumen – Crtanje u proširenoj stvarnosti (s Dominikom Mahničem), koji je predstavljen na festivalu Kiblix 2011. u Galeriji Alkatraz, na izložbi Real Time Settings for Ner[d/v]es u Galeriji Škuc i na festivalu Device_art 4.012 u Zagrebu. Zajedno s Danom Adlešičem i Tilenom Sepičem dizajnirao je instalaciju mješovite stvarnosti Form Form Form, koja je postavljena u Galeriji Vžigalica za festival Svetlobna Gverila. Njegova samostalna izložba Liminoid predstavljena je u Institutu za suvremenu umjetnosti – Aksiomi u Ljubljani, u produkciji organizacije Ljudmila – Art and Science Laboratory.