Sound DiaryMathias Loose (NO)

hyperrealistic sound performance, 2017 - ongoing

The Sound Diary is an audio journey in which the listener follows the narrator performing activities in different situations. Illustrated by sound effects, audioscapes, music themes and inner thought monologues, the narrator reenacts fragments from daily life; making coffee, thinking about the weather, going for a walk.

Since his early years, Loose has been captivated by making music and field recordings. Over time, this has become an archive of memories, thoughts and places.

He uses the same methodology to create alternate spaces; parallel narratives that will take place in a given room. The process is often quite improvisational and spontaneous when he has to go around town and record "the set” a few days before a live gig, really never knowing how it is going to turn out.

The Sound Diary is about transcribing emotions and thoughts through soundscapes and spoken words.

"Today I feel tired. I think I wanna go for a walk. Maybe I should clean up first. Nah I’ll do it later."

The aim was to depict an atmospheric travel through daily situations, where, in this case, the narrator also happens to be a musician, emphasizing that “when you’ve been working with music every day, for over ten years, weird little music themes and rhythms unconsciously sneak up on you.”

Mathias Loose (NO)

Through the half-lit streets of a never sleeping Berlin, Mathias Loose works to stretch his fantasies of music and sonic art into territories and materialities different from the ones he used to experience. Graduated from Bergen Art Academy and currently based around Northern Europe; from Copenhagen to Berlin, via Bergen, he seems to create narratives with sound effects, field recordings, music themes and digital synthesis. Presently he is working on an installations for children, a fake A.I. Podcast series, and filmscoring for Jonas Risvig’s debut Nobody Says Goodbye, but Everyone Leaves, which will premiere on Danish National TV.
