Yin Yang Birds Are SingingVladimir Dodig Trokut (HR)

installation, 1991

The two-storey birdcage YIN-YANG testifies to the idea of change in the male and the female principle. The male principle is a warrior in movement ("The Book of Laws"). The fallen warrior is the female principle. Analogies: Moon-Sun, male and female numbers, the synchronicity of dead sexuality. Ejaculation of semen always means dying and death. The upper part of a flute and the lower part of an empty cartridge symbolize the fields of dead and fallen warrior, the flute becoming a symbol of the stuffed, dead bird, which paraphrases the idea of a free bird flying. Just as the bullets whiz, the bird composes a melody. Once the weapons are silent, then the flute, the piper, the penis will equal life rather than death. VIVA LA MUERTE!

Vladimir Dodig Trokut (HR)

Vladimir Dodig Trokut is a prominent Croatian and international visual artist, shaman, art collector, donor, and writer. He has established the hypothesis on “the real and unreal in art” (orpheism and artism). He is the author of numerous museum projects and production polygons-factories, and the founder of the first Anti-museum in the world. So far, he has produced more than 700 thematic exhibitions, actions, performances, body-arts, installations, Wunderkammer, living theatres, monodramas, and theatre pieces. He is featured in various Croatian and international encyclopaedias and lexica. He has kept company with various famous and distinguished artists, such as Joseph Beuys, John Cage, and others. Dodig Trokut is the leader and founder of various formal and informal art groups, such as a fraction of Red Peristyle, 3i, Group 30, Manifesto 72, and Attributive Participation Group (together with Darko Schneider and Harald Szeemann).

Since 1968, he has been shifting from shamanism to art and from art to anti-museology. He has been declaring himself as an orpheist, becoming involved in objective art (real art). Initiator of a variant of conceptual and post-conceptual no-art, and author of several new global museological and art practices, as well as terminology in new art practice and museology – Anti-museum, Black-it-art, Black out-art, Black no-art, industrial archaeology, and blood archaeology.

Darko Schneider
