M28 (HR)

M28 is an informal collective of artists, designers and researchers that have been working at the eponymous address since 2017.

Contact: https://www.facebook.com/m28zg

Luna Džidić-Uzelac was born in 1991 in Zagreb, and took her first degree in experimental biology at the Faculty of Science. She deals with the application of plants in various aspects of human activity as well as education about this field. She uses plants from her surroundings in the kitchen and makes medicinal preparations, as well as preparations for many other practical undertakings inspired by traditions of the peoples from various parts of the world.

Contact: luna.dzidic@gmail.com

Lana Grahek was born in 1989 in Zagreb and took a degree in design from the Faculty of Architecture. Currently she lives and works between Eugen Kvaternik Squareand Trešnjevka neighborhood as a freelance graphic designer. She works mainly in the area of printed media. She is a member of the Croatian Designers Association and the Croatian Association of Independent Artists.

Contact: lanagrahek@gmail.com

Vanda Kreutz was born in 1990 in Zagreb. After graduation from the School of Applied Arts and Design, she enrolled in an undergraduate degree course in animation and new media, and then a graduate course in new media in the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, graduating in 2018. In her artistic practice, she explores the area of experimental film, animation, photography and the audiovisual installation. Since 2014 she has been involved in the education of children and young people in film workshops.

Contact: vanda.kreutz@gmail.com

Sara Salamon was born in Rijeka in 1991; she took a degree from the Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka, media art and practice major. She works in the fields of different artistic practices, as visual artist, cinematographer and editor. In her work she most often attempts to subvert the medium.

Contact: salamonsar@gmail.com

Sven Sorić, born in Sisak in 1989, is a freelance graphic designer whose work is focused on print media and identity systems and who mainly works for institutions in culture. Having taken a degree in architecture and urbanism, he rejected the profession after a few insignificant months of practice. He is a member of the Croatian Designers Association and the Croatian Association of Independent Artists.

Contact: soric.sven@gmail.com