eventuell. (CH)

The Swiss duo eventuell. (CH) was founded in 2015 by Manuela Villiger and Vera Wahl. As an innovative and experimental duo, eventuell. transcends the boundaries of traditional saxophone music, delving into transdisciplinary, performative, installative, and 'non-instrumental' works, alongside electroacoustic compositions enriched with multimedia and digital elements. Through their performances, eventuell. aims to craft a distinctive artistic statement, driven by a deep curiosity for philosophical and socially relevant themes. The duo endeavors to provoke audience engagement with these complex societal questions, sparking individual reflections among spectators. In 2019, eventuell. debuted eventuell. human, marking their first project entirely conceived, composed, and produced by the duo. Despite their independent creations, they maintain close collaborations with associate artists and esteemed composers, premiering numerous works across Europe.
