Food Hacking is the culinary wing of San Francisco hacker inn Unicorn Precinct XIII.
Food Hacking is the anarchist stepchild of molecular gastronomy open-source recipe development, hacked utensils, and edible algorithms. Inspired by Surrealist food games, in 2006 Food Hacking started developing Delicious Corpse a semantic food engine for deconstructing dining and reverse engineering menus. And check out our Food Hacking Labs: 5 years of intimate, participatory hacker-tech supper clubs in hundreds of home kitchens worldwide. Multiple USA tours. We support food justice and local political action through fundraising and making freaky food.
Come cook with us!
(2008) Kitchen Hack Lab: Interactive Food Disassembly - The Last HOPE, NYC; Kitchen Hack Lab: Food Hacking for Techies - O'Reilly ETech, San Diego; (2007) Political Fundraisers, Various for Mayor, San Francisco; Todd Blair Benefits, Dorkbot, San Francisco; (2006) Hack the Palate! HOPE 2006, NYC; Food Hackers Guide to Molecular Gastronomy, Dorkbot, San Francisco