The Ljubavnice collective (2015) is one of the biggest Croatian women's art collectives, consisting of six young artists: Tamara Bilankov (1988), Hrvoslava Brkušić (1982), Stella Leboš (1988), Luana Lojić (1991), Ivana Pipal (1990) and Ana Vuzdarić (1984). Installations of an ambiental character in the shape of site-specific projects are an important part of their work. The collective is focused on an interdisciplinary blending of art and science, each exhibition involving collaboration with scientists and other experts. The work of the collective is characterised by radical and formal procedures and research outside normative systems. Typical of their work are intuition, intellectual curiosity, creative inventiveness, self-reflection, courage and experimental ardour. Exhibitions work like laboratories, in which art and the empirical overlap in an ideal manner. In the last three years Ljubavnice have put on a number of projects on topics from astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, hypnosis and regression, power supplies, self-sustaining systems and current problems of climate change. The interest in social issues gives the work additional power and arouses the attention of the general public.
Projects and exhibitions: the ambiental installation Planet Ula in the SC Gallery (2014); light installation Occasional Light in Planet Grič (2014); ambiental-acoustic installation Hommage à Oton Kučer in Greta Gallery (2014); ambiental, olfactory and acoustic installation Nula / Nought in the HDLU Bačva Gallery (2015); Eclipse in association with the band Šumovi protiv valova and the Sljeme Forest Lodge (2015); Ljubavnice Open Studio in the Miroslav Kraljević Gallery 2016; the multimedia installation Two Degrees in the Fine Art Museum in Split (2017); Seed for the Future in association with ZMAG in Miroslav Kraljević Gallery (2017); the multimedia installation Two Degrees in POGON (2018).