Maywa Denki – Novmichi Tosa (JP)

Maywa Denki is an art unit produced by Novmichi Tosa. It was founded in 1993 by Novmichi and his elder brother Masamichi Tosa, and is named after the electronic device company their father used to run until its bankruptcy in 1979 as a result of the nationwide economic crisis. The unit symbolizes the small/medium-sized enterprises that had once supported Japan’s economy during its high-growth period. Their “uniform” simulates a typical working uniform of Japanese electric stores; each piece of Maywa Denki’s work is called "a product"; and a live performance is held as "a product demonstration". Day by day, as the president of the company, Novmichi works hard to provide the customers with a dream of "Life with Maywa Denki". In addition to the NAKI Series, fish-motif nonsense machines, and the Tsukuba Series, original musical instruments, which were co-developed by the brothers, the EDELWEISS Series and the VOICE MECHANICS Series started in 2001 as Novmichi’s new projects. Besides the products, instruments and art projects, Toy Series such as Knockman Family was developed as an easy-to-play toy for everybody.

Maywa Denki has exhibited widely and received numerous prizes, including the Grand Prix in Art Artists Audition II (sponsored by Sony Music Entertainment), 1993, Excellence Prize of the interactive category of Digital Arts at Japan Media Arts Festival, 2000, Distinction for the Interactive Art category at Ars Electronica, 2003. In October 2003, Maywa Denki was featured at the Expo, Human Beings & Robots held in Paris. In 2010Otamatone was awarded the Grand Prix in the High Target Toy category by Japan Toy Association. Maywa Denki is extending its activities overseas including exhibitions and performances all over the world, as Tosa explores new approaches to the wider public.

Novmichi Tosa (President)
April 1967, born in Hyogo Prefecture
March 1992, Department of Arts Study, Postgraduate Course, Tsukuba University, Awarded Master’s Degree
May 1993 – Mar. 2001, Vice President of Maywa Denki
April 2001– present, President of Maywa Denki (succeeded on Masamichi Tosa’s retirement: Masamichi is currently the Chairman)