SCHNITT is an artistic collaboration between Amelie Duchow and Marco Monfardini evoked from the common interest in electronic music and visual art. The duo works in the transitional area between music, art and technology focusing with their projects on the coherence between audio and video. The development of their own specialized software and electronic devices, allows SCHNITT to create complex site specific audio/video installations and live performances. Their use of abstract media material combined with the artists’ individualistic perception towards technology, builds the balance between form and concept of their works. In 2010 SCHNITT presented SYNCHROPATH, an audio/video project focused on synchronism as a method of composing, released on DVD and 12” LP. With SYNCHROPATH, SCHNITT participates at several international festivals such as the Elektra Festival, Open Source Festival and Robot Festival. In the same year they launched the platform for audio visual artists Sync, with the focus to enlarge musical experience through concepts expressed in new forms of video and sound.