ŠKART group, founded in 1990 in Belgrade, Serbia, is functioning as an on-going productive conflict of poetry, architecture, graphic design, mixed media and social activism. After the first 10 years of street actions (Your shit = Your responsibility, Survival Coupons, Nothing for Beginning, etc.), the group launched a long-term process of initiating and developing new collectives and networks, such as: - choirs (open for all - singing their own songs at public rehearsals: Horkeškart, Proba, Deca sa meseca) - embroidery groups (reusing handcrafting for new social/political artworks; female and male group) - poetry festivals (public training for newcomers and oldsiders: Pesničenje) - kids’ poetry &music shows - schools’ poetry class-attacks-performances, workshops and shows ŠKART has performed, workshopped, exhibited and lectured worldwide (Europe, America, Asia).