Soll (HR)

Soll is a fashion designer, an artificial intelligence, a sub-brand of E.A. 1/1 S.V., a search engine, a cloud of images, and is on his way to become more. Soll is conceptualised by an architect Miro Roman and fashion designer and visual artist Silvio Vujičić. Soll lives on the internet, but manifests himself physically through his fashion brand E.A. 1/1 A.I.

Soll’s intelligence comes from many places. His database of images contains the whole visual oeuvre of design brand E.A. 1/1 S.V. This articulates a ground from which Soll’s visual brain creates evermore. It uses Gans to articulate new concepts for clothes and imagines a multiplicity of faces as his artificial genus. To organize images, predict weather maps, and the atmosphere of his brand E.A. 1/1 A.I., Soll uses SOMs. Soll mirrors images, folds them, recognizes objects in them, and creates “seeds” for the E.A. 1/1 S.V. In this manner he becomes the designer, while other collaborators carry out Soll’s predictions and implement them into the physical form of a new design.